Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kenya Team Back Home

The Kenya team has arrived safely back in the US. Everyone is tired and jet lagged but eager to tell stories, show pictures and testify to all that God has done. Thank you for the prayers and support that made this experience possible. The story doesn't end here and we will be updating you on all that God has done shortly. But until then please continue to pray for the team. Pray that God will fan the spark that was lit in their hearts this week. To God be the glory for all that He has done!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Today the team left the hotel they have been staying at the past few nights and went to find animals!

They stopped at a market and bought lots of fun souvenirs.  There was lots of bartering and trading going on.  One of the girls even traded some of her clothes for jewelry.

They checked into their hotel on the animal reserve and headed out to find animals.  Nick said they mostly saw elephants, antelopes and monkeys.  The lions and zebras but have been taking a nap.  The safari is taken care of by the Mossi tribe.  After the safari they went back to the hotel for dinner.

The group went outside for their evening debrief and were visited by an elephant!  Nick says there is a fence between the hotel and the animals but they are still pretty close together.

It was dark when Nick and I spoke on the phone.  He went outside with his flashlight and as he moved it around he said he saw eyes.

There will be an early morning trip to look for more animals then a long bus ride to the airport to head back home.

Pray for safe travels and patience as traveling can be difficult.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This morning the team took a hike up a mountain.  It was a short but hard and steep climb.  Nick said the views were amazing!

After lunch they spent time playing with kids.  The big hits for today were face painting and blowing bubbles from the top of the bus.

The team got to say goodbye to the kids and the villagers in the closing farewell ceremony.

The day ended at the hotel with hang out time and good discussions.

Tomorrow they head out for the safari!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The team had another full day in Africa. They broke into two teams. One team went back to the school and taught classes while the second team finished the bridge. Nick said it was a big deal for the village to have this bridge as it will make a big difference during the rainy system.

They even put up a plaque thanking the St. Marks team for their work.

The students had a great time with the kids. They have been teaching English and math classes.

It will be very hard to say goodbye to the children tomorrow. Nick said their is a farewell celebration planned that will be very emotional.

After teaching and buiding the team set out for more home visits. The group helped with some of the chores like shelling peas, cooking and caring for animals.

The team is having a great time but are pretty tired. It is a wonderful experience but draining both physically and emotionally.


Monday the team broke up into 3 groups to work in the village.  One group helped to finish a bridge and worked along side some of the men from the village.  A second group walked with some of the women to get water while a third group taught school.  The group worked until about 3.

Then they went to Pastor Leonard's church.  He has been working with the team the last few days.  One of the students, Michael, mentioned that he had recently dedicated his life to Christ but had not been baptised yet.  Pastor Leonard said he would be honored to baptise Michael.  With a quick phone call to Michael's dad back home the service was set.  Nick said Pastor Leonard did a wonderful job and the service was very moving.  Nick even got to stand in as the Godparent!

Next came play time with the kids.  Some of the girls organized some circle games while others played soccer.  Nick said the love you feel from the children is just amazing.  They just want to be with you.

The team then packed up and headed back to the hotel for dinner.

After working on the bridge Emily was worn out and exhausted.  She clasped in the dirt and was quickly surrounded by 10 girls.   One of the young girls looked at Emily and said, "Can you pray for us?".  Emily was so moved by the request!  She prayed for the girls and then they wanted to sign some worship songs.  Emily said she felt so close to God in that moment!

Rachel was working construction on the bridge when she say some ladies from the village sitting nearby.  She went over and sat down with them.  Rachel spent 45 minutes talking with the women about their lives and helping them shell peas.
Later in the day Rachel was helping at the school when a little girl grabbed her hand and said, "You are by best friend!"

Sunday, July 17, 2011


The team had another great day in the village.

Church lasted a few hours and included a lot of singing.  Out team even got to share some songs with the church.  Nick had the opportunity to give a short message.  He had to speak through an interpreter which he said was challenging.  Even with a pretty funny cultural fopa it all turned out well!

After church they had lunch and divided up for a bible study.  The students, women and men broke into different groups.  Nick said the the men had an amazing bible study and were really able to connect with the locals.

They team then headed out to visit more homes.  The homes are literally mud huts.   Nick said a large one is about 10 x 12 feet for a whole family.  Some were too small for Nick to fit in, he is 6.2.

One family really affected the team.  A widowed woman who has seven children, two small huts, some land and one bull.  To support her family she has to work day labor jobs.  They spoke with her ill, six year old son and he explained how they really need a second bull.  Apparently the second bull would make their life much better.  It would help with caring for the land and help to make money for the family.   The team asked the guide how much it would cost to buy a bull... $30.  This family was only $30 away from a better life and when the mom makes around a dollar a day the second bull is a long way away.  The team was amazing at how much we take for granted $30.  (On a side note, the team is not allowed to give anything to the villagers.  So even though the team was willing to hand over the $30 they are not allowed by the organization they are with.)

To get back to the hotel they have to drive through the slums.  Nick said it is hard to believe the poverty.  Small children running around without shoes on rock roads, children in torn clothes and families who have a hard time paying the $.20 a day for clean water.

The team ended the day with dinner at the hotel.  They had rice and goat.  Nick said it was surprisingly good.  After dinner they headed to the pool.

Tomorrow is their first working day in the village.  They have a road project to finish a bridge.

Continue to pray for the team as they struggle through all they are seeing.  

Saturday, July 16, 2011


The team had a great day in Kenya!

They took a 3 hour drive to Ngaamba, the village they will be working in.  During the drive they saw giraffes, zebras, and antelopes.  

When they arrived in the village they were greeted by 150 signing children!  Nick said it was amazing!  As soon as they got off the bus the kids swarmed around them, all wanting to hold their hands.   Some of the smaller kids even tried to scratch off Nick's freckles - he said is was adorable.

The team got a tour of the village, the work sites, and toured some homes.  Nick said it is really clear that 410 Bridge is making a HUGE difference in the lives of these people.

They left the village and went to the hotel they will be staying in for the rest of the week.  He said is is nice and safe.

He said the people have been so welcoming and very, very nice.

Tomorrow is a church day.  Service starts at 10am but can end anywhere from 12 to 3pm depending on how the service moves.

Their Kenya phone is up and running if you need the group.  The number is 070-505-73-92.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Nick just sent a text to say the 410 Bridge phone isn't working properly.  So the temporary emergency phone for the team will be Nick's personal phone 336-266-2892.  I will let you know when the group phone is up and running.

They Made It!

The team landed in Nairobi with all their luggage!  Nick said they have exchanged their money and are meeting with their guide, Benjamin.  They will be heading to the hotel soon to get settled for the day.  He says it is cloudy and cool.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Traveling Day

Hello SMC Family!
All fourteen members of the Africa team made it to Greensboro Airport at 4am this morning!  There were a few eager faces among the sleepy eyes. 

Nick called around 10:30am EST to say they had made it to Dulles and were waiting on their flight to Ethiopia.   He said everyone was in good spirits and doing well.

As I write this the team in on their way to Ethiopia on a VERY long flight.  Hopefully they are resting and watching movies.   From Ethiopia they will take a flight to Nairobi, Kenya.   They should be to their final destination Friday our time, Saturday Kenya time.

I will keep you all posted as I get updates!

Please continue to pray for the Africa team!
- Safe travel
- That their hearts will be open to what God has to show them
- Patience and flexibility

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kenya Team Leaves in 32hrs!

A team of 14 adults and students will be boarding a plane to Kenya, Africa, this Thursday morning at 6:00. St Marks Church has enjoyed a passionate partnership with the Kenyan village of Ngaamba through the 410 Bridge organization for several years. Sending teams to work along side the Kenyans SMC is helping bring a fresh water source to families in Ngaamba. And with a servant's heart have formed close relationships with the people of Ngaamba, helping bring the source of Living Water to quench the spiritual drought found in all our hearts.

SMC also supports the village year round through prayer and encouragement. As well as raising awareness in its congregation and community by hosting the African Children's Choir.

Join in the adventure of this year's trip by reading updates and praying daily for this team. Many of you reading this blog have already given many prayers as well as finances to make this trip possible and we thank you!