Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Monday the team broke up into 3 groups to work in the village.  One group helped to finish a bridge and worked along side some of the men from the village.  A second group walked with some of the women to get water while a third group taught school.  The group worked until about 3.

Then they went to Pastor Leonard's church.  He has been working with the team the last few days.  One of the students, Michael, mentioned that he had recently dedicated his life to Christ but had not been baptised yet.  Pastor Leonard said he would be honored to baptise Michael.  With a quick phone call to Michael's dad back home the service was set.  Nick said Pastor Leonard did a wonderful job and the service was very moving.  Nick even got to stand in as the Godparent!

Next came play time with the kids.  Some of the girls organized some circle games while others played soccer.  Nick said the love you feel from the children is just amazing.  They just want to be with you.

The team then packed up and headed back to the hotel for dinner.

After working on the bridge Emily was worn out and exhausted.  She clasped in the dirt and was quickly surrounded by 10 girls.   One of the young girls looked at Emily and said, "Can you pray for us?".  Emily was so moved by the request!  She prayed for the girls and then they wanted to sign some worship songs.  Emily said she felt so close to God in that moment!

Rachel was working construction on the bridge when she say some ladies from the village sitting nearby.  She went over and sat down with them.  Rachel spent 45 minutes talking with the women about their lives and helping them shell peas.
Later in the day Rachel was helping at the school when a little girl grabbed her hand and said, "You are by best friend!"

1 comment:

  1. WOW - what a full day! Blessings to the Team!

    Angela Hall's family

    The Lynn's - Patricia, Jason & Sonya
